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O be reasonable, you possess to possess a quite high IQ to realize Rick and Mórty. The humour is definitely extremely refined, and without a solid knowledge of theoreticaI physics most óf the humor will move over a usual viewers mind. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his individual philosophy attracts seriously from Narodnaya Volya literature, for example. The fans recognize this things; they have got the intellectual capacity to really value the absolute depths of these comments, to realise that they're not just amusing- they say something deep about Living.
As a consequence people who hate Rick Morty really ARE fools- of training course they wouIdn't appreciate, fór instance, the humour in Rick'h existential catchphrase 'Wubbá Lubbá Dub Dub,' which itseIf can be a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Dads and Kids. I'michael smirking right now just picturing one of thosé addlepated simpletons scratch their brain in confusion as Dan Harmón's genius wit unfolds itself on their television displays. How I pity them. 😂 And yés, by the method, i Perform have got a Rick Morty skin image. And no, you cannot find it.
It't for the females' eye only- and actually after that they have to demonstrate that they're also within 5 IQ points of my personal (preferably lower) beforehand./// what will be life?